Acupuncture forEndometriosis

If you follow me on Instagram, you will probably already know that I have started using acupuncture to help relieve my endometriosis symptoms. Before my first session I was very sceptical about how effective acupuncture could be and I didn’t understand how needles being inserted into different parts of my skin would change my symptoms. …

One in Ten

Look around you right now. How many women can you see? I’m on the tube, and I can see maybe 30 other women (yes, the London tubes are super crowded, it’s a problem). Statistically there will be three women on this tube with endometriosis. There are ninety flats in my block, with an average occupancy …

My Holiday Endo Kits

Traveling always seems to induce my anxiety, not because of the transport or the traveling itself, but because of the fear that endo will rear its ugly head and try to ruin my holiday. I’ve become used to this sword hanging over my head, but I really hate the thought that endo might ruin the …

My Laparoscopy: One Year On

This time last year I was anxiously sitting on a hospital bed waiting for my laparoscopy, although I didn’t realise just how long I’d be waiting. I arrived at 7:30am ready to be admitted, put on my hospital gown, compression socks and hospital underwear and waited in my bed on the ward. Throughout the morning …

What is BSGE?

BSGE stands for the British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy, it was originally founded in 1989 by a small group of consultant gynaecologists who were keen to advocate the benefits of minimal access surgery for their patients. They also provide facilities for training, monitoring and preventing complications in minimal access surgery. In the past 30 years …

The Endo Diet

The effect that your diet can have on endometriosis is a commonly discussed topic, and everyone has their own opinions on it. Bring up the topic and you’ll find people suggest a whole host of different things to try that will help with your endometriosis symptoms. One of the most common questions that I get …

What I wish I could tell my friends

Don’t get me wrong, I have some really supportive friends who are really understanding about my endometriosis, and who really want to learn more about it. But, there are still things that I wish I could say to them that I just don’t feel able to. This is not because of anything they have said …

Common Accompanying Illnesses: Vulvodynia

Over the next couple of blog posts I will be discussing someof the other illnesses that can commonly affect people with endometriosis.Please note that you do not have to have endometriosis to suffer from any ofthese conditions, and this list is not exhaustive. There are many otherconditions that can be experienced alongside endometriosis, however I …

Common Accompanying Illnesses: PCOS

Over the next couple of blog posts I will be discussing some of the other illnesses that can commonly affect people with endometriosis. Please note that you do not have to have endometriosis to suffer from any of these conditions, and this list is not exhaustive. There are many other conditions that can be experienced …