All About Livia

With a tagline of ‘the off switch for menstrual pain’ it’s not surprising that many of us with endometriosis had our interests peaked. I reached out to the people behind Livia to find out more information about this seemingly miraculous device, and to gauge whether it was too good to be true. My questions to …

The Role of Online Support

In an age where the majority of people are willing to share their entire life story online, without a second thought about content (is it appropriate?) and audience (are they actually interested?) there is still one area of people’s lives that most seem unwilling to share freely – health. This is understandable. Medical details can …

The day after World Mental Health Day

Today is October 11th, and there isn’t much notable about this day, except that it’s the day after World Mental Health day. And while many people who yesterday were sharing messages of support and talking about how we should end the stigma of mental health have gone back to their daily lives, there are still …

Chronic Illness and Mental Health

The majority of my posts have been focused around physical health, but as today is World Mental Health day I want to focus more on mental health. It is just as, if not more, important as your physical health but many of us seem to neglect it. In the UK, currently 1 in 4 people …

My first endo support group

Last night I attended my first Endometriosis UK support group. I had absolutely no idea what to expect, having never been to any form of support group before, but I was fairly sceptical about it. (I guess spending seven years being told your pain isn’t real makes you see most things from a sceptical point …

Travelling with Endometriosis

You’re off on holiday, not due for a flare up, you’re body is in a pretty predictable rhythm and you’re really looking forward to enjoying your trip. Sods law – you’ll get a flare up. I always try to be as prepared as possible, so that if a flare up does happen, I can still …

Self Care September

How many times have you forced yourself through something that you really didn’t want to do, but felt like you had to out of social obligation? How many times have you put others needs before yourself, because you feel that you should be used to whatever it is you’re dealing with right now because you’ve been …

My First Laparoscopy

Tuesday 7th August 2018 was the day that a seven year old question was finally answered – is it all in my head? My day started at 5:45am when the alarm went off, and I had to start getting ready to head to the hospital. I left the flat and started the hour long bus …